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Short payback & 80% cost reduction are persuasive arguments

brochure focused on annual energy consumption for geo exchange systems compared to natural gas

left quote

Thanks Ian! this looks amazing! I LOVE that line... "Can you spot the difference" and think it's more interesting than the Annual Heating Costs.right quote

Andrea Dobbs, Communications Director

GeoExchange systems are essentially invisible technology. While you're reaping the benefits of the most efficient heating and cooling system for your home, you have no distinguishing visible bragging rights — no solar panels; no wind turbine — nothing but a buried ground loop or subterranean bore hole. So how do we convince a teetering GeoExchange prospect this is the technology they should embrace?

One single, clear message — the short payback and dramatic on-going savings on your heating and cooling bills.

That's it. Plain and simple.

The cover headline also touches on the lack of visible differentiation and reinforces the financial reward message. "Can you spot the difference?" sits above 2 identical photos of a contemporary designer home — one labeled $6,300 and the other $2,300 as their annual heating bills. "The home on the right uses GeoExchange".

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